Monday, July 26, 2010

Adakah kamu berfikir...

lalalalalala... entah berapa lame ak tak tulis entry dalam blog,nampak sgt la ak ni mmg tak kuat iman.... huhuhuhu...

tapi aku tak tahu kenapa ak beriya sangat nak tulis blog hari ini, ak cuma nak kongsikan ak cerita sket yg baru je ak lalui pagi.. and it's totally AMAZING (atleast for me la kn)... ape yg korg rase, its ur right to feel so...lalalala

nak diringkaskn ceritanya, pagi tadi ak menolong hantar senior aku kat firm ak ni hantar kereta die utk inspection kat puspakom... and the nearest puspakom available around Bandar Tasek Selatan n not so much pack of car is just, PUSPAKOM Cheras... dan ak ngaku yg ak tak berapa arif lagi jalan kat area KL ni.. kalo jalan2 nak gi shopping complex leh la kn..huhuhu...

my story begins after pick up da car at the STAR station and search our way to puspakom, with unreliable maps provided in the Puspakom's website.. da last resort was bantai je la kn...and finally we were stuck nearby Tesco Cheras.. the only place look reasonable to ask was Kedai Tayar... because we were think that tyre is most associate with PUSPAKOM... I was park the car in front of the tyre shop.. keluar dengan muke confident la kn...

Aku : tengok2 sekeliling.. hati da bedebar2 da.. tengak sume chinese plok tu..

org2 kat sekiling : tengok ak pn macam pelik.. sebab ak pakai kemeja bertie.. ntahla
Aku : masih mencari siapalah yg leh ak nak tanya ni.. then afterwards, a Chinese Lady came approaching me... ak slumber je la...

Aku : Sorry, do you know any Puspakom located around here...(sambil hulur map dari website tu)

Lady : Hmmm (she takes sometime to analyse the map).. muke die pn dah macam pelik plak kn : this maps seems to be so confusing.. lets go to the office I might show clearer way (sambil ajak masuk ofis die, then die membebel la kan. map tu macam xleh pakai je kn.)
lady : how can I show the easier wat meyh... (die pikir lagi)....last die panggil mechanic die tunjunk arah kat aku....

lepas tu ak terus gi, and da direction was fantastic, coz we reach the Puspakom in no time..

Morale of the story : mesti korg tak paham kan ape yg ak membebel...huhuhuhu... yg ak nak ckap sebenarnya.. how wonderful the CHINESE LADY treat me.. even better compare to if ask malay guy I meet at the side of the road... this kind of thing that makes my stand is much even stronger... Human in this world is just divided into 2 types... The Good one and the BAD one.. its doesnt matter which religion you live in, what color ur skin are or what languages you speak...

p/s : Sometimes before, ak pernah betul2 rasa ralat.. ak sekolah rendah,menengah,matrikulasi dan gak universiti aku.. ak tak pernah belaja dengan non-malay... ak teringin sangat nak kenal different type of person... kepada non-malay yg baca entry ni and very open on this.. let's meet and learn on each other... JOM SEMUA....!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Who are You.....????

hahahaha.. its almost three months since my last post in here... pergh mesti da berabuk2 da tempat ni.. biase la kan, peoples n world itself are changing.. it is not unusual... the one is still da same are should feel wrong, coz its shouldn't... but eventually, WHO CARES.....huhuhu

to be honest, im sick with my life.. through my whole life i was searching WHO I am, what I made for.. is it my life ryte not is da life dat i meant for... kesian kan ak ni.. after this almost 23 years i'm lived, im still BLIND to which way should I go...

honestly, i'm not talking bout my marvelous family, luvly fren and all my environment.. it jes me. it is jes BATTLE within.. everything I done to make my eyes open, but still it wont... semakin jauh layar ini membawa diriku, semakin aku menyoalkan diriku... Is THIS you live FOR... and the only answer i get is always NOOOOO.....

but soon enough, Allah itu maha kuasa dan penyayang terhadap hamba2nya.... there are always way out.... and now I starting to see the light.. the light of truth, and hopefully i'm taking the ryte path this time...Hopefully...

if you read this.. can you answer my question with all of your heart.. WHO ARE YOU???!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Thank You...

huhu.. semasa sedang menulis ni, tgh baring kat bilik hotel, baru abis job n waiting untuk job sok plok. kat melaka ni....

banyak plok rase nye x update dalam blog ni, tapi pertamanya.. ak dengan sepenuh rasa cinta dan cukup bersyukur kepada mak abah n sahabat2 yang wish for my besday yesterday, da memory n luv dat had given are make my day so bright... thank you again for da luv again....May Allah bless all of you.. fi jannah insyaallah....

tapi dah terlanjur disini, baik ak ceritakan saat ak ngan anak buah aku ni time otw balik KL sabtu minggu lepas....

kisah 1

kami baru sampai di bandar Melaka, mahu melawat makcik ak yang sudah lama tidak bersua. sudah menjelang christmas, maka banyak la banner yg dipasang sepanjang perjalanan...

(melihat keadaan sekeliling dan terlihat satu sign board yg agak gabak dan memangil anak buahku)

Aku : abang , tengok tu...

Danial: besonye pak busu..

Aku : Cuba abang baca.

Danial : 'Selamat Hari Nakal'....

Aku : tergelak terbahak2....atok ngan nenek kat depan tersenyum je tgk cucu die ni...

Kisah 2

malam yang sama kami Danial,De dan aku sedang menonton X-men di Star Movie..

Aku : best btol la kalo ak power gak kan..

De : Ehhh... ak pn ade power gak la .. makan banyak pinggan wooo...

Danial : Pak Ude makan pingan ape ek...?

De n Aku : ketawa terrbahak3....

(danial baru nak masuk darjah 1, minggu depan ni... belajar sungguh2 Danial, jangan jadi macam pak busu ni,pemalas je lebih...wakakaka ;p)