Saturday, March 13, 2010

Who are You.....????

hahahaha.. its almost three months since my last post in here... pergh mesti da berabuk2 da tempat ni.. biase la kan, peoples n world itself are changing.. it is not unusual... the one is still da same are should feel wrong, coz its shouldn't... but eventually, WHO CARES.....huhuhu

to be honest, im sick with my life.. through my whole life i was searching WHO I am, what I made for.. is it my life ryte not is da life dat i meant for... kesian kan ak ni.. after this almost 23 years i'm lived, im still BLIND to which way should I go...

honestly, i'm not talking bout my marvelous family, luvly fren and all my environment.. it jes me. it is jes BATTLE within.. everything I done to make my eyes open, but still it wont... semakin jauh layar ini membawa diriku, semakin aku menyoalkan diriku... Is THIS you live FOR... and the only answer i get is always NOOOOO.....

but soon enough, Allah itu maha kuasa dan penyayang terhadap hamba2nya.... there are always way out.... and now I starting to see the light.. the light of truth, and hopefully i'm taking the ryte path this time...Hopefully...

if you read this.. can you answer my question with all of your heart.. WHO ARE YOU???!